More Conventions and other stuff
So it’s been a few months, here is what I’ve been doing.

BioFreeze Professional – Good Shit.
I went to San Diego Comic Con, like I normally do. It was both a great and horrible con for me. Great because I got to record all the panels I wanted to record and got to meet and spend some time with friends I usually only see once a year. What was horrible was my physical condition. I’ve gained some weight and developed some pain in my knees over the past year and I really felt it after Friday night. I was recommended BioFreeze and I did use that (along with extra strength Advil) it was great for pain management, but I still kept my activities very limited outside of going to the con and back. Restaurants I normally like to eat at while in San Diego I skipped. Also my hotel stuck me in literally the furthest room from the shuttle pickup and that extra bit of walking at the start and end of my day was the icing on the cake.
Normally I do 3 major (plus plenty of “minor”) cons a year, but this year I stuck to TCAF and San Diego for the major cons. Instead of doing a 3rd one used my time off work to spend some time working on my comic history website. I’ve made some updates to the 2nd Newsstand Period adding a 5 year section between 1965 and 1969, plus added some stuff to the section just prior to that. I’ve not yet decided if I’m going to do the same thing next year or not, but I’m leaning towards doing that.

Rosena Fung at MCX
I also went to what I’m pretty sure is my last convention of the year and that was the Mississauga Comic Expo, which is less of a convention and more like a small scale TCAF like event held at the Hazel McCallion Central Library where it’s free. I audio recorded 3 panels and took pictures of some of the exhibitors there. It was the my first time going to the event and I enjoyed it and I can see myself doing that show regularly, assuming it stays comic focused and has panels. I think the event has a strong potential to grow considering how many comic creators live in the general area.
For those that are curious I am working on the “Best Comics” list for 2024. As usual it will likely be February 2025 when I’m done it, based on when the lists come out and I get done compiling them.